noVNC, the open-source VNC browser client - noVNC is a VNC client JavaScript library as well as an application built on top of that library. noVNC runs well in any modern browser, including mobile browsers (iOS and Android).

HTML5 Powered with Connectivity / Realtime, and Graphics, 3D & Effects HTML5 WebSockets and Canvas

Try it!

An online version of the noVNC client is available HERE.

Check out these videos and screenshots for examples of how noVNC looks.


noVNC is an active open-source project with numerous users, integrators and developers. If you want to contribute, please read our contributing guidelines and don't hesitate to submit a pull request on GitHub.

Use our issue tracker if you wish to report a bug. But before opening an issue, please see if someone else already had the same problem before. You can also join in on the discussion in the noVNC discussion group.

There are many companies/projects that have integrated noVNC including OpenStack, OpenNebula, LibVNCServer, and ThinLinc. See this wiki page for a more complete list with additional info and links.

If you want to integrate the core noVNC library into your project, you should check out the API documentation. To easily get the core library, you can use NPM:

npm install @novnc/novnc
Please note that what's available on NPM is not the full noVNC client; it's only the core modules/library and is lacking a user application.


noVNC requires a browser with support for modern features; it works on all major browsers. Note that noVNC doesn't work in IE. See the README for more details.

Get noVNC by downloading one of the archives from the release page.

Run a VNC server, run a WebSocket proxy that points to the VNC server, load the page, and connect! See the quick-start instructions in the project README for more details.



See the project LICENSE for more details.

Notable Authors and Contributors